Saturday, July 6, 2013

About Doping Test

Doping test also known as Drug Test is the technical analysis of biological specimen (for example: urine, blood, sweat, etc.) to determine the presence or absence of drugs. Such tests especially in sports are done to determine whether the player has consumed any performance enhancing steroids. A sample is obtained before the player performs; the collected sample is passed through various tests. The result of the test is presented to the authority after some days of the event and the authority if finds, subject to the report, the player to be consuming anabolic steroids or any drugs prohibited by the game rules, then action is taken against the particular player which may range from a warning to the prohibition to play certain number of events and the achievements f that player are seized back.
Nepali Athelete Rajendra Bahadur Bhandari also a soldier who has won 2 silver medals in 9th Asian Games and 2 gold medals in 10th Asian Games, was tested positive for Deca Durabolin. This caused a bigger controversy in the usage of anabolic steroids in Nepal. In 2007 Bhandari was found guilty of norandrosterone doping and thus he received an IAAF suspension from September 2006 to September 2008.  The sample was delivered on 25 August 2006 in an in-competition test at the 2006 South Asian Games

There are many such cases throughout the world.

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